Tracing Motions
Authors @Squeeb and @Anthony
The Tracing Motions Extension is an Extension that allows you to trace various motion properties of an actor at your own defined time rate.Some of the basic motion properties that can be traced are=>
=> X-speed and Y-speed
=>facing direction(based on recent movement)
=>moving direction(based on recent movement)
The Tracing Motions Extension is an Extension that allows you to trace various motion properties of an actor at your own defined time rate.Some of the basic motion properties that can be traced are=>
=> X-speed and Y-speed
=>facing direction(based on recent movement)
=>moving direction(based on recent movement)
see here how to install an extension


Put this block under [Do every ] event. It is necessary to place this block.
Enter same time as in the [Do every] block as shown in the image

Returns True/False based on the fact whether the actor is currently moving or not.

Returns True/False based on the fact whether the actor is currently facing UP/DOWN ( this is done by evaluating the most recent movement of the actor and not the actual direction in which your sprite might be facing )

Returns True/False based on the fact whether the actor is currently facing Left/Right( this is done by evaluating the most recent movement of the actor and not the actual direction in which your sprite might be facing )

Gets the X-speed of the actor

Gets the Y-speed of the actor

Returns True/False on whether the actor is currently idle or not.

Returns True/False on whether the actor is currently moving Left/RIGHT.

Returns True/False on whether the actor is currently moving UP/DOWN.
Version History [1.0]
Launch : v 1.0
That's it! If you have any doubts you encounter while using this extension, simply ask below :)
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